In this fun, uniquely photographed cookbooklet David Wade brings you a gourmet melting pot of dishes for your next patio party!
Here's the Fun on the Patio-themed cover.

Sounds like a party to me!

When was the last time you had cheesy baked onions?

Don't mind if I do!

Ham in the potato salad? Yes please.

I wonder who Annette was?

When it's called "Supreme" you just know it'll be major.

How about a little cactus with that?

Who could resist a sauce that can only be called "imperial?" Certainly not Beverly.

This sounds shrimply delicious. 🍤 🍤 🍤

When you're not making Imperial Sauce, Dave recommends you make it Royal.

A steak fit for a financiére. 💰 💰 💰

His fleece was white as snow. 🐑

More about Dave. He sounds pretty awesome don't you think? It's pretty cool he's got the logo with the pig from the cover embroidered on his coat. Anyway, thanks for the recipes, Dave!
