Swans Down Cake Flour has been around since the 1890's. General Foods may have introduced the first cake mix in 1945 with Swans Down, though other sources say Betty Crocker was first with a mix in 1947. Swans Down is currently produced by Reily Foods of New Orleans.
Here's the inviting cover of 1953's "Cake Secrets."
Happy Day! And the ever-popular 7-minute frosting!
A treasure trove of recipes to return to again and again.
Orange butter cream? Yes please!
Silver Moon! Strawberry Fluff! One's head just spins.
And the angels sing . . .
These are my favorite thing to make for big parties. I've created what I call a Creole version.
Frost it right!
You got trouble? Read this!
All for now from Swans Down! It's superfine!