At 200 Canal Street between Mulberry and Mott is one of my favorite stores in town. It is funky and skunky and oh so junky and I LOVE it so much. From the zany lunch counter (with quite tasty offerings actually) to the basement wonderland of Asian housewares and bento box accessories, I can't get enough. The second floor has cosmetics and girly things if that's your bag as well.

At the front of the store you will encounter the land of the Peking Duck!

The zany lunch counter I mentioned has a huge menu and lots of tasty fare.

Downstairs they have endless table, kitchen, and party items. It's hard not to just grab it all.

If you're in the market for some hardcore ornate Asian tchotchkes, look no further.

All sorts of bento box accessories abound. Tiny sauce containers, cutters, picks. I GO WILD.

When was the last time you tucked in to a juicy tin of ground fried marlin floss? I'll wait . . .

So many treasures to take away.

You can't go wrong at New Kam Man!
